

Hafta letters: Poll pivots, EVMs, Sreenivasan Jain’s show

Hi NL team, 

I want NL to ask this question in Another Election Show, “Is blocking non-basmati rice from India” a poll issue for telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Odisha, and Bengal farmers. 

I feel this should be one of the major issues as it impacts farmers, but the opposition is not using it, and also the excise on oil import. Both were implemented during COVID-19 times. This is also a data point as to why only non-basmati rice is blocked as the PM is scared of Punjab farmers.

Special kudos to Manisha and the Newsance team 



In one of his recent interviews, Prashant Kishore mentioned that he does not envision the AAP becoming a pole position party as the party doesn’t have a core ideology unlike other national parties. Do you agree or disagree with his statement, and why?

Dhruv Agnihotri 


Dear team,

I’m responding as a long-time subscriber and admirer of the work you do, but a first-time writer. I generally love Hafta and the chat is peppered with Abhinandan’s uncle-dom, which I see in myself as I age. But last night I was doing a thorough read of your reporting after a long, long time (there is no time). The stories stayed with me and were absolutely brilliant investigative pieces. Beyond the headlines, the story on Dharavi, PMJY, the BBC and ANI. It’s a rare combination of your core mission with stories that are rarely picked up in depth, especially the story on Dharavi’s redevelopment. May it continue. 

Aditya Ramesh 


Firstly, I wanted to write last week but I was driving to work and then I just forgot.

I was about 10-11 years old in 2004 and Congress had just won the election. Up until very recently, I have remembered Sonia Gandhi not becoming Indian PM in 2004 because “some political men being insecure and questioning her Italian heritage and calling her ‘Gori mem’”. That was my reality, and I have always been bamboozled by the pettiness of the so-called leaders. I assume my take was wrong, (and if it was) I was extremely harsh on such politicians. Can you shed some light on your understanding of this as journalists?

If, in fact, I am correct in my recollection, surely it takes a heck of courage to go back and still be a politician when you have been ripped apart just for being you. Part of me really wants to be wrong about my recollection.

Secondly, the talk on national leaders overpowering the local MLA/MPs during election and centralising power led me to think if there should be a Election Commission guideline that prevents parties from naming a PM/CM candidate. If there is none such named person, then vote cannot be asked for a leader but has to be on ideas/issues. Because there is no singular face anymore, the ideas have to be clearly presented. You will see weak leaders putting their own foot in their mouths quite often and the public will have to choose to go with them or not. We will return to voting for the person standing from our own area rather than the party whose PM/CM face we like. People do tend to justify their local candidate’s shitty politics by falling back on “I voted for Modi” or something of that sort. Is such a rule from EC a possibility?

Thanks for filling my weekends with stuff I can catch up on with Hafta and Charcha. Give my regards to Atul, I do not write to him but I do listen in every week, and also catch up on Tippani midweek. And to Manisha, thank god for Newsance; "Stay mad, that’s the only way”.



Hi NL Team,

Shout out to you guys for the electoral bonds articles and coverage. 

I’m a Newslaundry subscriber planning to upgrade to your joint subscription once my current subscription is over. Just wanted to know if TNM will also follow your model of not monetising their YouTube videos, it would be great if they do so. If possible can your team let me know where Manisha is holding Another Election Show in Bangalore? I would love to meet her and give some surprise goodies to you guys. I thoroughly love Pakka Politics and What’s Your Ism, but my small suggestion is that can the TNM also have a weekly podcast on the lines of Hafta and Charcha? Maybe in Tamil and Kannada or Telugu and then you guys can alternate the panellists from both these teams. Maybe that will help you diversify the efforts of both the organisations. I know that it’s a big ask, considering the financial constraints. But I believe in our NL and TNM family, and that they can pull off the most difficult tasks. You guys are known for that. Imagine I’m only a subscriber for one year and this could probably get you more people to subscribe to your platform.

Chetan Bhaskar 


Dear NL team, I hope this email finds you in the midst of brewing another cup of coffee to fuel your fearless journalism and perhaps a giggle or two at the absurdities of the world.

I recently stumbled upon a World Inequality Lab report titled “Economic inequality in India: The ‘Billionaire Raj’ is now more unequal than the British colonial Raj”, and I must say, it left me pondering some rather comical questions.

Firstly, does the “Billionaire Raj” come with a membership card or perhaps a secret handshake? I’m just asking for a friend who’s still waiting for their invite.

Secondly, in a country with such vast economic disparities, do you think the top one percent hold annual meetings where they discuss how to spend their fortunes, like debating whether to buy another yacht or just stick with upgrading their private island?

And speaking of upgrades, do you reckon the Income Tax Department offers loyalty rewards for the top earners, like a gold-plated calculator, or a personal accountant on retainer?

Lastly, if we’re going to have a “super tax” on the wealthiest families, can we at least have a superhero-themed unveiling ceremony? I can already imagine the headlines: “Batman Billionaires Beware: India’s Wealthiest face the ultimate tax showdown!”

Anyway, I digress. Keep up the fantastic work of shedding light on these crucial issues with your trademark wit and insight. And if you ever need a resident jester to inject some humour into the serious business of news, you know where to find me.



Hi Abhi,

I’d like to recommend doing a deep dive on various parties’ manifestos, unlike the news channels that nitpick the good of the governing party and the worst of the rest.

Specifically, if you could address it in a podcast, what do you think of CPIM’s point of getting rid of nuclear power? 

1. Is it necessary?

2. Is it politically benefiting them?

Shivam Tyagi 


Hi NL and Abhinandan, keep up the great work, as ever. Couple of points: 

1. You don’t praise the PM’s schemes enough. In particular, the most successful of all: The Pradhanmantri Lockup Act aka PMLA – keeping the opposition arrested since Amrit kaal. 

2. What do you think is the present state of cinema in reflecting present day social issues? Do they also live in fantasy worlds that news channels live in (wait, they legitimately can)? In particular, I wanted to ask about events, such as demonetisation. The only movie I am aware of on this topic is a lovely Punjabi movie called ‘Golak, Bugni, Bank te Batuya’ (Abhinandan, translate please). This is in the great tradition of Punjabi humour and satire in the footsteps of the great Jaspal Bhatti who got national fame for Flop Show on Doordarshan

Both this movie and flop show are free on YouTube. GBBB traces the story of loving couples and communities caught in both demonetisation India has seen. Chance to reflect if cinema can be brave while funny!



Last week’s discussions reminded me of the first stanza of “The Second Coming” by WB Yeats. Here it goes:

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

Lament not, this too shall pass (just, maybe not in our lifetime).

Yeats Fan 


Hafta#481 Feedback:

Thank you for featuring Mr Deshpande on the podcast. His detailed explanation of the EVM’s design was enlightening, covering both technical and political science perspectives. His emphasis on the critical role of trust was particularly noteworthy. The revelation about the lack of technical expertise within the ECI was alarming.

Anand’s argument about digital payments and trust was incomplete. While he hinted at the complexity of processes behind digital payments, he failed to recognise that trust in digital payments stems from the ability to verify the process – a feature lacking in EVMs. Therefore, his comparison missed the mark. Keep up the good work!



I believe the BJP manifesto was low on divisive topics as the first phase included Tamil Nadu and a few Northeast states where communal agenda would not have worked. Starting phase 2, Modi has already made the pivot as it can be seen here

On what basis is the  election schedule decided where 39 seats TN is completed in one go while 40 seat Bihar is divided across all 7 phases. Does the EC give any rationale behind this?



Looking at Modi ki guarantee aka BJP manifesto, a thought which has come to my mind is that it is actually not “Congress mukt Bharat” but “BJP mukt Bharat”, now there is no BJP, it is only MODI. How could BJP/RSS allow itself to be MODI-fied, or is it a brute takeover?

Saju Verghese 


Hi team,

A small complaint. All of the NL shows have become very predictable, every story about the government seems to be very predictable, ie, the Modi government is bad for India. We seldom seem to hear the government’s or even the BJP's viewpoint. There must be some way of bringing the so-called Modi bhakts on the same table. It might be a bit difficult but just because Modi ji won't make the effort to take everyone along does not mean that we shouldn’t as well. I have contributed to the NL funds and I am hoping that we get different viewpoints in the ‘Another election show’ at the very least.



Hi NL team, 

It is great to see S Jain back on the road with a red mic. I am excited about this series and was a huge fan of Truth vs Hype on NDTV, and would have loved it if you called this series the same. 

I also liked Jain’s India Report on Al Jazeera. NDTV would be my go to site for daily news but after the takeover I feel really sad to see such a great Indian brand go join the Godi. I hope Newslaundry is able to take the baton forward like NDTV and do a better job. 

My question to Abhinandan would be if he ever was in the situation like P Roy, would he sell or close down NL? I think it’s better to die as a hero rather than live long enough to be a villain.



Hey NL team, 

Really loved last week’s stuff on policy think tanks. I just have one comment about it, although traditionally it has been IAS officers who have led various ministries and taken decisions on the policies, but now with the advent of official lateral entries at various positions, owing to the requirement of specialised knowledge in some sectors, I think it’s a good move by the government to make it a more formalised intake. There have been people appointed at various positions earlier as well, but it wasn't a formal or structural entry. Not a BJP supporter at all, but this is a good move, I think. I hope it fairs well. 

Also, just started with Aakar Patel’s Price of the Modi Years. Very insightful about the Modi showsha and the control of media and institutions. Extend my regards to him, if you can.

Anyway, always a great discussion on the podcast. Kudos to the entire team!

PS, a small request for subscribers meetup somewhere in Scandinavia, preferably in Stockholm. I am sure I can bring up at least five other people with me who would love to attend - if you don’t have enough subscribers in this cold part of the world. 


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